Top 10 Positive Quotes - with quotes by Willie Nelson, Les Brown, Kobe Bryant, John Wooden and more "Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you'll start having positive results." Everyone feels better when they know they look good. In this present continuous worksheet, students use 20 verbs to complete positive and negative present continuous sentences. The Verb "To Be" - Questions . This phrase can be used to tell someone that generally, they look especially good today. Here are two possible structures: Like many other phrases in this list, you can replace “good” with any appropriate synonym. You can also use “Happy” for several other holidays and occasions, such as “Happy New Year,” “Happy retirement” and the all time favorite, “Happy birthday!”. Making Positive Sentences Negative. The difference between those two is that the negative sentences give us information in negated sentences. All I have left is the conclusion, but I don’t want to work on it! This phrase communicates that you know they’ve spent a lot of time carefully working on something. The Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte. Simple Past, Positive statements, all verbs, Exercises. If you have no idea what word should go next, you can click on all the words one by one. It gives no better results. In the example below we’re thanking someone for a thing: a card. Here’s what the two structures look like: You did a good job + [-ing verb] + [details]. This is a great motivating phrase to help someone finish a task or goal. They watch no movies. Using positive language is a great way to make sentences short and snappy. Because of this, many encouraging phrases begin with the word “don’t,” such as “Don’t stop!” or “Don’t lose hope!” (The famous song by Journey, “Don’t Stop Believing,” is another example of this.). Coaches and teammates can help each other play better with encouraging words. 3. For example, “Thanks for coming!” or “Thanks so much for babysitting for us next week” are both actions expressed with -ing verbs. can take anywhere. Youshouldn’t cheat on tests. Most people would consider the character traits described by the personality adjectives below to be "good" or positive. An electron has a negative charge, a proton has a, 27. Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliates. Thanks for the lovely birthday card you sent in the mail. or even qualities you admire. And you can use any synonym of “fantastic,” such as “superb,” “talented” or “excellent.”. Are you ready? Put the correct forms of the verbs into the gaps. The report ended on a positive note. : However, if anything the spate of setbacks seemed to have a positive impact on the team as they forced the pace in the opening exchanges. Positive sentences require fewer words, fewer verb conjugations, and draw a direct line to the point you're trying to make. Get out there and be positive—in English. India is one of the best countries in the world. If you liked this post, something tells me that you'll love FluentU, the best way to learn English with real-world videos. 172+33 sentence examples: 1. This phrase is often used when someone has doubts about their abilities. The boy did not kill the spider with his shoe.. 8. The man's worse than irritating, he's a, 17. The Verb "To Be" - Negative Sentences . Click here to get a copy. I do not want to leave now.. 4. An example of the second structure is “You did a good job playing the song at the right tempo (speed).”. (Download). Hopefully you’re feeling positive about using some of these positive phrases. Good luck with your presentation on Friday! Positive sentences are the sentences that give us information. Sometimes, the use of double negatives are intentional and are used to achieve a comedic effect. ). So it’s used when someone has already been doing a good job with something, and you want them to keep working hard. 3. It tells them that they’re able to do something. We generally sing songs all together. Synonyms for “pretty” include “handsome,” “chic,” “beautiful,” “lovely” and “cute.”. Sometimes, instead of telling someone what to do, it’s helpful to tell them what not to do. I do not know the answer.. 3. If you want to follow this phrase with a criticism, be specific about what they can do to continue improving. 2. When a sentence has double negatives, it is already considered incorrect because a negative sentence should only have one negative. It usually rains every day here. Lionsdo not eat grass. 2. FluentU brings English to life with real-world videos. This phrase can be used when someone shares good news with you. 3. This phrase is very simple, yet effective. They watch movies. FluentU takes real-world videos—like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into language learning experiences. music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks, a children’s book called “‘I Can Do It’ Day.”, Learn English with TV Shows (2-for-1! It really made my birthday special! Perhaps they’re right; perhaps they’re wrong. Tell the students to find 20 verbs in the word search and write them in the spaces provided. We like to think that we are making a, 28. One meaning of the phrasal verb “to keep up” is to stay at the same level or pace as something. You did a great job on your website. Let’s learn 25 positive English phrases for complimenting, encouraging, appreciating, giving feedback and congratulating. You’re going to be great. Finally, to congratulate is to tell someone you’re happy for their good news. You can also replace “project” with something more specific. Positive thinking phrases and sayings are similar to affirmations, those positive statements that can affect your subconscious mind and your life in a good and constructive way. She did not recognize him at once.. 9. Mr Norris said he was hopeful that his request would elicit a, 19. They’re simply statements from the speaker or writer that they believe to be accurate. Swipe left or right to see more examples for the word you’re learning. The whole experience was definitely more, 15. You have to work your hardest. A sentence that tells you something is not so is called a negative sentence (NS). I can tell you worked really hard on the monthly newsletter. I can’t believe he proposed (asked you to marry him)! The positive recall was made through Genet. The negotiations have been conducted in a, 12. © 2020 Enux Education Limited. This phrase can be used to compliment a few things other than “style,” such as “ideas,” “laugh,” “smile,” “technique,” “art supplies,” “books,” “dog,” etc. Here are five phrases for giving positive feedback. This is a word that can be used to congratulate anyone in a variety of situations. Use Simple Present in the statements.. Show example Lastly, through inspection of structural equation model, the pull factor proved to have a significant positive impact on the push factor. She was unable to make a positive identification of the suspect. Tap or click on any word to see what it means, learn how to use it, hear it pronounced and more. Positive Sentence. 4. The Verb "To Be" Quiz -Questions . If your adjective begins with a vowel, don’t forget to use “an” instead of “a,” like this: When you notice something different about someone, it’s nice to say something. The negotiations have been conducted in a, 11. 3. The Verb "To Be" - Positive Sentences . 3. I wish you'd be more positive. I have found that one of the best ways to stop having a negative influence through speaking and writing is by increasing the positive sayings that I put out into the world. Peter is running. Below, the above sentences are negated by using ‘no’- 1. But “You’ve made it this far” means that you’ve accomplished this much already. An affirmative statement can also be referred to as an assertive sentence or affirmative proposition: "Birds fly," "Rabbits run," and "Fish swim" are all affirmative sentences where the subjects are actively doing something, thereby making a positive statement about the noun in motion. 4113. You have to do everything you can. It’s also often used to describe success in becoming famous. How to use positively in a sentence. Excellent work on the interview questions! I like the way you made the headings bold and blue. Use Simple Past in the statements.. Show example For example, if you can keep up with your class assignments, it means you can stay on schedule and finish all of your assignments on time. Martin does not get along with his brother-in-law.. 7. Here are a few examples of when they’re often used: If these 25 are not enough for you, you can find even more in FluentU’s videos! This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you If someone provides you with support, it means they help you or agree with you. When you judge someone’s performance or creation, it’s important to give positive feedback along with any criticisms (things to improve). 8. In a sales environment this is even more critical. Shift to a positive state of being with the help of these positive attitude sentences We're only one step away from switching to positive thoughts and start becoming a positive person. 5. She eats no vegetables. Marydoesn’t drink coffee. When you appreciate something, you think about how important it is to you. Esthercan’t go tomorrow. Yes, here’s yet another compliment about appearance! Again, you can replace “great” with other positive adjectives, and “the presentation” with other types of creations. 5. 172+33 sentence examples: 1. 6. The difference between them will be shown in the following section: Let’s say a friend tells you a riddle or a puzzle that you try to figure out. 6. Whil… For example, if two people celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary, it means the couple has been married for 50 years. The verb “to make” is usually used when you’re creating something. Some peoplewon’t eat spicy foods. Of course you are! 4011. 23. Feeling pride about someone else is one of the happiest feelings humans can feel. Jim's best friendsdon’t live near him. To “give up” is a phrasal verb that means to lose hope and stop trying. A: I can’t remember the next line! Ididn’t go to the store last week. I am not flying to England. He was surprised himself at the positive way in which he spoke. We have no positive proof 2. The videos are organized by genre and level, so it’s super easy to find the ones that work for you. 3. 20 Sentences of Simple Present, Simple Past and Simple Future Tense. Definition of Assertive/Declarative Sentence:. Keep it up! My mother does not work at a bank.. 5. Whether it’s their skirt, hat, shirt, shoes, jacket, earrings or nail polish, your compliment will be appreciated. I really like the design! You can use either of the following structures: Thanks (so much) for + [a thing]. You could also use other superlatives in place of “the best” to make a wide range of compliments, such as “the coolest,” “the most creative,” “the brightest,” “the prettiest,” etc. Here are five simple examples of positive sentences you can begin using to get started on a path to a more optimistic and joyful life. 7. Word Order in English Positive Sentences :: Learn English online - free exercises, explanations, games, teaching materials and plenty of information on English language. Example sentences with the word positively. Therefore, it is necessary to examine such word groups in a separate category. An anniversary celebrates the day a couple were married. There are many different types of videos, as you can see here: FluentU makes it easy to watch and understand native English videos with interactive captions. Examples of simple present tense, examples sentences, 20 Sentences in Simple Present Tense; 1. 3. Although positive phrases are used in all cultures, they’re especially important for American culture. The whole experience was definitely more, 14. I couldn’t have done it without you! Instead, it often means the state of being finished or done. This phrase helps make someone feel confident and determined. In addition to the 81 positive comments, 26 students had neutral, mixed, negative or off topic views. And don’t worry, you don’t have to mean that someone is actually “the best” to use it. Good luck! If you remove “on,” you can use an -ing verb to describe an action. Thanks (so much) for + [-ing verb]. When someone puts a lot of time and effort into something, they will love to be recognized for it. It’s most common to say “good luck” before an exam, an interview or a big performance, for example. Where did you get it? People all over the world use positive phrases and they make others feel good, so they’re important to learn in English. Present Simple Verb Tense - Positive Sentences . 4. This tells someone that they are getting better. I love hearing you sing! Task No. It makes you feel good to give one, and also feels good to receive compliments. A: Do you think I’ll ever sell 100 copies of my e-book? A: I’ve been writing this paper for two months. My sister does not live with my parents.. 2. 25. In fact, the more specific you can be, the better the feedback. Here we have not only put together a list of the top 25 positive words to improve customer service, but we have also done the same for positive … 1. To make these examples as clear as possible, the subject is orange and the predicate is blue. Thanks for helping me plan this wedding. In that case, “She made it” could mean “She’s famous now.”. Tip! ), their work (writing, art, etc.) Similarly, you could say “What would I do without you?” The question isn’t really meant to be answered. It contains a negative word like not, never, no, no one, nobody, none, or a negative verb like isn’t or can’t or won’t. This piano piece sounds excellent; you must have practiced a lot. You can replace “great” with words like “good,” “beautiful,” “cute,” “handsome” or “amazing.”. We have a big house. Verb "To Be" Quiz - Positive Sentences . Without doubt, the national bourgeoisie tends to vacillate, but we should, nevertheless, make use of its, 30. 2. 8. 2. : Only God knows the fully positive impact of the pioneer association to what is good in Irish society. This phrase lets someone know they are irreplaceable. An electron has a negative charge, a proton has a, 7. You can say this short phrase to anyone about pretty much anything. She eats vegetables. Ah, I don’t know if I can memorize this poem by the end of the week. ... 20. S. Eliot. 21. I can tell you worked really hard on this. The man's worse than irritating, he's a, 18. Answers 1. How to use positive in a sentence. 24. “Support” can be substituted with “help,” “time,” “effort” or any other relevant noun. Change the following affirmative sentences into negative. I’m so happy for you! The two positives are like the two outer slices of bread, which is why it’s called a “sandwich.”. After 15 minutes of wrong guesses, you might say “I give up.” Your friend would then tell you the correct answer. 1.It usually rains every day here.. 2.It smells very delicious in the kitchen.. 3.We generally sing songs all together.. 4.We go to a gallery every Sunday.. 5.Does he write an email?. “Awesome” can be replaced with “incredible,” “genius,” “helpful,” “sweet” or any other appropriate adjective. 5. FluentU is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to “I like the way you…” is used to compliment an action, so it must be followed by a verb. Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved Contact. Keep on practicing English 15 minutes each day! Negative Sentence. You have the best voice. To make this type of sandwich, you begin with a positive, then a negative, and end with another positive. At the risk of sounding like a Grinch, this isn’t about being happy and upbeat. Start using FluentU on the website or download the FluentU app from the iTunes store or Google Play store. Basic Grammar. This structure can be used to compliment any type of person: You’re a(n) + [adjective] + [type of person]. 20. Dogs do not chase cats. To appreciate someone means that you value them. This is generally true, but remember that words are often used subjectively. Let's change all the negative sentences above to positive sentences and see how they clear things up. Answers. Whether it’s a new haircut, car, shoes or cell phone case, a compliment makes the person feel like they made a good choice. B: Of course you will—you’ve made it this far! When someone puts a lot of time and effort into something, they will love to be recognized for it. Billhasn’t learned to type. Positive Sentences : A positive sentence (PS) tells you that something is so. Instead of “cook,” you could use nouns such as “teacher,” “friend,” “writer,” “singer,” “painter,” “musician,” “listener,” “babysitter,” etc. Science places the positive school on the horns of a dilemma. Again, positive and negative sentences are not necessarily factual. You can use this phrase (or variations) to let someone know they’ve done well on a certain task. All Rights Reserved. It gives better results. This means to point out both something they did well and something they can do better. Please check your email for further instructions. The sentence which declares or asserts a statement, feeling, opinion, incident, event, history, or anything is called an assertive sentence.An assertive sentence ends with a period (. Put the correct forms of the verbs into the gaps. For example: A: This engineering exam is going to be really hard. Thanks for subscribing! We also participate in other affiliate advertising programs for products and services we believe in. However, although we acknowledge that being in a positive state feels much better, sometimes we get carried away and keep on going down the same old negative-feeling paths. I’m so proud of you. A compliment is something nice you say to someone else about them. This phrase also points out how much progress someone has already made. I hope u'll be more positive overall. You are improving a lot. I do not like to read science fiction. People will really appreciate your kind words. For example, "determined" is shown here as a positive personality adjective, while "stubborn" is listed on the negative personality adjectives page, yet the meaning of both can be very similar. He has no big horses. Instead, using the positive form is about saying what something is – not what something isn’t. Even innocuous substances can sometimes register a, 18. 22. Simple Present, Positive statements, Exercises Online. 20 sentences using adjectives in English, Definition and Examples We constantly try to use descriptive words in expressing any situation, person, object or a different phenomenon in everyday life. Double negatives change the entire meaning of a sentence fragmenteven to the point of making it into an affirmative one, making it quite tricky to read and understand what the sentence actually meant. The phrases below can be used to let someone know that you appreciate (are grateful for) them. Supriya does not sing very well.. 6. —T. You play the piano really well! Your hat is so cute. Finally, you can wish someone good luck to show you hope something goes well. 6.The sun rises at the east.. 7.She goes to work by car.. 8.It doesn’t rain here in the summer. In this phrase, “there” usually does not mean an actual place (though it can). You could say it when your friend gets a new job, when your boss buys a new house, when a friend has a baby or when your cousin gets engaged (to be married). Negative sentences also give us information. positive example sentences. Sometimes you can help someone a lot by telling them positive words. FluentU also keeps track of your learning, then suggests videos and examples perfect for you. My brother’s dog barks a lot. The phrase “We can do it!” was used in a famous American wartime poster in 1943. Learning English becomes fun and easy when you learn with movie trailers, music videos, news and inspiring talks. The sun rises at the east. “I appreciate you” tells someone that you value them. You only have 60 more to sell. The Verb "To Be" Quiz - Positive Sentences . In American, the “criticism sandwich” is one way to do this. Below are five phrases for encouraging others. We go to a gallery every Sunday. Dogs 20 Sentences of Simple Present. With close friends in their lives,people develop courage and, 27. When used as an adjective ‘no’ is placed b… He did not apologize for his conduct. I'm absolutely positive it was him. Positive phrases are essential when playing sports. It feels good to be told something positive, right? Download: Any sentence, phrase or saying that makes you feel good, happy and inspired is worth reading over and again, writing it down, and putting it where you can see it often every day. We hate SPAM and promise to keep your email address safe, Sign up for our weekly blog newsletter for a chance to win a free FluentU Plus subscription (value $240), Get regular language learning tips, resources and updates, starting with the "Complete Guide to Foreign Language Immersion" e-book. By extension, in English grammar, an affirmative statement is any sentence or declaration that is positive. So when you’re really pleased with what someone else has done, tell them you’re proud of them. You usually congratulate others during a celebration, such as a birthday, a wedding or for the birth of a child. If you like what someone is wearing, tell them! For example, if you tap on the word “brought,” then you see this: You can learn any video’s vocabulary with FluentU’s fun quizzes. 2. Access 200 of the best positive quotes today. 4. Want more on the English tenses? We have no big house. 2. You'll find quotes to make your day wonderful by Dalai Lama, Confucius, Oprah Winfrey (with great images too) What are you waiting for? There’s even a children’s book called “‘I Can Do It’ Day.”. When your friend passes his test: “Good job!” When your neighbor redecorates her living room: “Good job!”. It smells very delicious in the kitchen. The negative stands more in the foreground than the positive. ): The 10 Best Series with American and British Versions, Learn English through Movies and Film: A Complete Guide, 8 Great Tips to Learn English Through Songs and Music, 9 Awesome Channels to Learn English on YouTube, 10 Best 90′s Sitcoms for English Learners, 12 English Podcasts Every English Learner Should Listen To, 20 Essential American Slang Words for English Learners, 20 Essential English Idioms for Sounding Like a Native. You can use kind, caring words to make someone feel amazing and motivated to accomplish (do) something. He likes sweets. You’re going to do a wonderful job! This is pretty similar to the previous phrase, but a bit more casual. ... 20. positively example sentences. ‘No’ can be used as an adjective and as well as an adverb; depending on the sentences as explained below- 1) Use of ‘No’ as an Adjective Go through the below given sentences- 1. Positivity is also a big part of the culture in the United States, so if you want to learn American English, that’s another great reason to learn these phrases. But the phrase “keep it up” has its own separate meaning: to continue doing well. Mr Norris said he was hopeful that his request would elicit a, 29. The whole tenor of the meeting was very, 30. 10 examples of positive sentence - 3791552 1. President Obama’s 2008 campaign slogan (phrase), “Yes we can!” means almost the same as “We can do it.”, To encourage yourself, say “I” instead of “you” or “we”: I can do it! Procedure: Give each student a copy of the worksheet. - Willie Nelson I am going to school. They’re not still at the beginning; they’ve come “this far,” or this distance. If someone is so close to finishing, why not just finish? Even innocuous substances can sometimes register a, 26. And if you do, if you stay, 28. 5. In a service environment, the language that we use has a huge impact on customer emotions. There is a tendency for sentences to written with double negatives. Remember, keep a positive attitude and good thin Without doubt , the national bourgeoisie tends to vacillate , but we should , nevertheless, make use of its. Save 75% on the 12 English Tenses Course Bundle over at Erlkis! 4. Most of the sentences of English language are assertive sentences. That style really helps the headings stand out. You’re so talented. Exercise.Click on the words in the correct order to make positives sentences in the Present Continuous Tense. “Happy” can be replaced with similar words, such as “excited,” or “thrilled.”. Your art portfolio is fantastic—you’ve worked really hard! Julie talks very fast. But if you’re working towards something important, it’s nice to hear someone remind you “Don’t give up!”. 51 Of The Most Beautiful Sentences In Literature "At the still point, there the dance is." Task No. Saying thank you for anything makes people feel appreciated, needed and loved. It simply expresses that the person is very helpful. Example sentences with the word positive. However, the phrase “to make it” informally means to accomplish, finish or achieve something. Does he write an email? From learning English to succeeding at your job, you can accomplish whatever you want! The words we use to describe things determine the basic features of those things. He has big horses. I adopted a positive outlook on life. My brothers don’t speak Chinese. You could compliment someone’s appearance (clothing, smile, eyes, etc. Off topic views, 20 sentences 20 positive sentence Simple Present Tense, examples sentences, 20 sentences of Present... You usually congratulate others during a celebration, such as a birthday, a proton has,! Register a, 28: the verb “ to make sentences short and snappy saying what is. Like the two positives are like the two positives are like the two slices... With encouraging words, he 's a, 19 “ she made it this ”. 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