I am a journalist, travel writer and mountain guide, and therefore when I "go to work" it's not 9-5, but 2-3 months on expeditions. Whilst the normal 4 year rule (in relation to immunity from planning enforcement action) and the 12 month rule (in relation to immunity from building regulations enforcement action) apply, … It applies to any operational development - which becomes immune from enforcement, and therefore lawful, at the end of four years from the date on which that development was substantially completed. Owners of protected trees must not carry out, or cause or permit the carrying out of, any of the prohibited activities without the written consent of the local authority. We don't as a general policy investigate the solvency of companies mentioned (how likely they are to go bust), but there is a risk any company can struggle and it's rarely made public until it's too late (see the. I own a live/work house with 28.7% allocated to B1 use and the remainder to C3 use. Some facilities may not be available. Most councils have records that go back far enough to enable you to find old planning permissions in their archives (often digitised), especially if you know the reference number, although the extent of such records varies from one authority to another. Both are extensions built pre listing. You can check with your local planning authority to see if your proposed work is in a conservation area. Counties with a 4 antler point minimum These counties require that bucks you harvest have at least four antler points on one side of their rack. It used to be assumed that if a building was erected without planning permission, and this development became immune from enforcement (and therefore lawful) under the 4-year rule, this immunity/lawfulness automatically applied also to its use. v SSE (1984) P. & C. R. 142. whilst this does seem to be a correct interpretation of the Welwyn judgement is does seem to make a nonsense of the four year rule for residential use.a dwellinghosue as a building can be immune after 4 years but its use not until 10 years have passed.does anyone have a view on this? [Incidentally, the other 4-year rule relates to the execution of building, engineering or other operations. Without knowing the full facts, I could not say whether this building is or is not PD. If it were possible to buy the flat and I found out that the unit had been installed without planning permission, would there be any grounds for trying to get it removed? In answer to Helen Green, “It depends.” One could really only advise properly on this question in response to full professional instructions, because the detailed facts and circumstances will need to be carefully considered in order to reach a definitive answer. Could you please point me to the bit of the Act, or subsequent circulars, where the concept of "continuous use" is introduced? Flat has been in undisturbed use for 4+ years now.Thanks :-), My answer to Jacob (24.5.16) cannot be taken as legal advice, and so must not be relied upon as such, but on the facts recited it does look as though the use of this flat may now be immune from enforcement, and therefore lawful (assuming it was continuously occupied as a separate residence).Only the service of an enforcement notice can stop the 4-year rule running. Land protected by agricultural land easements provides additional public benefits, including environmental quality, historic preservation, wildlife habitat and protection of open space.Wetland Reserve Easements provide habitat for fish and wildlife, including threate… The planning permission was given for them in 1958/9 there were a series of appeals in 1990 in which it is clear that the inspector regarded 4 years as the time limit for action. If a building has been built, and fitted out for residential use, but has never been used residentially, it is still a dwelling. Our local planning department are accusing us of running a business from home which we dispute.My partner does come home from work in a commercial vehicle which belongs to the company that he owns but that is as far as it goes. As regards the query of 7/11/13 relating to a house built 4 years ago, the discontinuity in its subsequent use could be a problem. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) continues its push to finalize pending rules before the new administration takes office next year. If a building is erected without planning permission (for example if it would have been PD, but is covered by an Article 4 Direction) then its erection is unlawful, but this breach of planning control will be subject to the 4-year rule under section 171B(1) of the 1990 Act. With the exception of the change of use of an existing building to use as a single private dwelling (to which the 4-year rule applies), all other breaches of planning control are subject to the 10-year rule.The only exception occurs where a breach of condition (to which the 10-rule would normally apply) results in the creation of a separate dwelling. In answer (rather belatedly) to "Bad Cricketer (3 September), an Article 4 Direction simply removes PD rights. If the property really is a single private dwelling within Use Class C3, why would you want a CLEUD? He passed away a year later alas, since when I have let the unit out contiuously to different individuals in need. There would, however, have to have been continuous residential occupation of the flat, as a separate dwelling, throughout the four years in question. One flat owner has control of the garden which has an outhouse. The judgment in Arun only applies where the breach of condition results in the creation of a separate dwelling. I have a detached back garden bungalow which i built in 2006. when I applied for planning permission the council wrote back to and said I didn't need planning permission as long as i don't rent it out or sell it as separate dwelling but could be occupied by family. Does the 4-year rule still apply under such circumstances? We recently applied for change of use agriculture to residential, and I think the planners have reluctantly accepted that our use is and has been agricultural and was so in March 2013. Hi Martin,I sent an email via your business site but didn't get a response how do we contact you to act for us?regardsMartin Adams, I regret that I can find no trace of any email from Martin Adams. This info does not constitute financial advice, always do your own research on top to ensure it's right for your specific circumstances and remember we focus on rates not service. It would require a proper consideration of all the relevant facts, and so would require formal professional instructions. [On the other hand, beware the provisions as to concealed development. IIRC the 4 year rule only applies to dwellings and this is a workshop, very much ancillary to the dwelling. Some national park authorities appear to have policies against the possibility of former business properties falling into full time residential use (although they will sometimes allow conversion to holiday home or mixed home/business use). We have a barn for which we obtained planning permission (on Appeal) in 2010 for ancillary living accommodation. The Article 4 Direction does not prevent this. Buying their own house was out of the question. Carrying out illegal works within a conservation area can be extremely serious. 5 years ago it was converted to a small holiday let - separated completely from the main house by a fence. The query raised by Mark (17 September) is not a planning issue. We often link to other websites, but we can't be responsible for their content. I complied with the notice but have had heard nothing since. Hello, This is a really useful site for information, thank you. In answer to my anonymous correspondent of 19 September, if planning permission has been granted, and the development has been carried out in accordance with that permission, then there has been no breach of planning control, and so the 4-year rule is of no relevance. Am I right in therefore concluding that what results is a lawful building with no use? This is essential, because the enforcement notices will take effect if an appeal is not made against the enforcement notice before the date on which it is due to take effect.As regards the appropriate time limit for enforcement (4 years or 10 years), this entirely depends on the precise facts in each case. Coyote may be taken on private property by a property owner or designee all year if they are doing or about to do damage on private property - a license or written permit is not needed. MartinI accept the findings of the Arun case (it being about 1 mile from me!) Where an enforcement notice is served, any existing use rights must be asserted in an appeal against the enforcement notice under section 174 (even if they have been certified in an LDC). Any species can be protected, but no species is automatically protec… Is there a definitive definition of a "single dwelling", or "dwelling"? familiarise yourself with the latest version. we have complied with all conditions apart from one which is for a visibility splay, we can not comply with this as the splay is on next doors verge. The LPA are claiming that these are not de minimis interruptions and are classed as a break in use. It is fairly secluded, but not completely hidden.I would like to reinstate it as a dwelling, and move in.I have sought some advice locally. Editor, Marcus Herbert. I would not like to hazard a guess as to what view might be taken, either by the LPA or by an Inspector on appeal (either under section 174 or section 195), although a 2-month void period might perhaps be verging on the limit. He nevertheless observed that a point may come where the evidential burden shifts to the occupier to displace the inference that residential occupation has ceased.Counsel for the LPA in Swale had asserted that mere absence from the building, especially if it lasts for some months (for example on an extended holiday or working away from home), necessarily denotes a cessation of the residential use of the property. With sincere apologies to Neal Parry for the delay in publishing his query of 11 February, the 4-year rule applies if 4 years have passed since operational development (in this case the erection of the raised decking) has been substantially completed. 182 and Vale of the White Horse DC v Parker [1997] J.P.L. Does anyone know if living in a residential caravan for four years comes under the four year rule or does it have to be a building? Will I be allowed to gain planning permission in 4 years in your opininon? In this case would the 4-year rule apply? This is referred to as the Four Year Rule and Ten Year Rule and is applicable as follows: Ten Years - change of use of land or breach of planning conditions . In answer to Mick Lee (15 September), ideally one should try to get hold of the planning permission. LONDON CAPITAL & FINANCE INVESTORS GIVEN COMPENSATION HOPE UNDER NEW GOVERNMENT SCHEME, FURLOUGH SCHEME EXTENDED AGAIN UNTIL END OF APRIL. I live in a block of four flats. Hello MartinGreat site you have here, extremely useful and informative. They have also stated that they would be unlikely to grant permission. She installed glass windows in the tiled flat roof of the kitchen and lean to lounge flat roof. This 4-year period commences from the date on which the operational development was substantially completed. If Keystone Law’s legal assistance is required in dealing with the matter, please send me an email and I will find a member of our planning law team who could deal with it.You refer to an “enforcement order”. So it does look like the 4 year rule will not apply. This favorable tax treatment is designed to protect property owners from being pressured by the property tax burden to convert their land from agricultural use to residential or commercial use. Subject to proving that the erection of the conservatory was substantially completed more than four years ago, it would appear (on the basis of the brief summary of the facts given) that it should now be immune from enforcement , and therefore lawful, under the 4-year rule. The situation is that 50% an attached double garage had permission to be converted to ancillary accommodation in 2012, however a planning condition was imposed restricting the use of the remaining garage, to the garaging of vehicles only. As a resident of a C3 property which lies in a preferred industrial location, I am hoping to obtain a CLEUD under the 4-year rule. I had assumed permitted development rights but have since found out my property is subject to Article 4 restrictions. Professional advice should always be sought in such cases. This is covered by the 4-year rule (see Arun DC v. FSS [2006] EWCA Civ 1172). It is simply a matter of fact and degree as to whether the property can properly be called a dwellinghouse (see Gravesham) and has been continuously used as such throughout the past four years. the right to put up or alter fences, walls and gates has not been removed by an article four direction or a planning condition. Coyote hunting is open year-round. Hi Martin,Thanks for such an excellent blog.I am confused about whether the 4 or 10 year rule applies to commercial property (I notice that the term 'dwelling' is used.I am hoping to buy a flat (leasehold) above a restaurant. There is no other guidance on the point of which I am aware.As to what constitutes an interruption in the continuity of the use so as to stop time running under the 4-year rule, and to re-set the clock at zero, this is very much a matter of fact and degree in each case. I have a large chalet in my garden which was an office for 20 years. At the beginning of my comment above "lawful" should of course read as "UNlawful"! We had planning permission in 2003 to build a replacement house on our smallholding and convert the existing bungalow to visitor centre/shop as part of our agricultural business. The basic test that has to be passed is set down in Gravesham B.C. When I can find the time, I really must have another look at this issue. I don’t believe that parliament intended that the 4-year rule should not apply in this situation, but a literal interpretation of the legislation would appear possibly to indicate otherwise. There were no conditions or constraints in the planning decision that related to use, but in paragraph 11 the planning officer states:" There is no need to restrict the use of the building by conditions to ancillary residential accommodation as to use it independently of the main dwelling would require planning permission." Steve Jupp has put his finger on a point which I must confess has been troubling me (and no doubt other planning lawyers) for some time. )If in practice there is no control over the land required for the visibility splay, the best course might to be apply under section 73 to have the condition removed. LPA is Cambridge City Council. In answer to David Tetlow (20 February), the erection of a building or structure without planning permission is subject to the 4-year rule, irrespective of where it is. Conservation areas "are areas of special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance". The rear of the building has been converted to a kitchen/living area with a separate bedroom and bathroom.We have no evidence of when it was converted other than statements from our neighbours, the builder and various friends and family who have stayed in the annex.Ariel photography proves the structure dating back to 2005 and google street maps dated 2009 shows the windows and doors to the annex.My question is does the 4 yr or 10 yr rule apply to the conversion of garage to an annex and would written statements and affidavits be ample proof of the use? I was aware of the judgment in Sumner, and had hoped originally that it might be appealed, but this did not happen, and so this decision still stands. Hi Martin, thank you is 10 years a building, with them that! Longer than four years after it is not diminished commencement ) attached of condition Notice, which be. Only extensions, loft conversions, or set the legal rottweilers on now! 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