“As a responsible timber company, Weyerhaeuser works to build partnerships with local communities on many different levels,” Stabins notes. The tract is divided into eight cutting blocks, averaging 10 acres in size. Trail Notices November 2, 2020 Important Trail Closure Notice: All Weyerhaeuser and Irving trails are now CLOSED for the season. American woodcock is just one of many birds that will seek out and use new young forest on Fogg Farm./T. To that end, Stabins and Ary visited the Forest Hills School in nearby Jackman, where they gave a presentation on wildlife habitat and forest management and invited students and their parents and teachers to come help capture woodcock and attach radio-telemetry devices to the birds. In addition to harvesting six of the 65 timber blocks between 2012 and 2014, Weyerhaeuser is cutting swaths through the alders in places where the wiry shrubs were getting old and becoming too open to be top-quality habitat. Weyerhaeuser Company 220 Occidental Ave. S. Seattle, WA 98104 Phone Local: 206-539-3000 Toll Free: 1-800-525-5440 Canadian Office Weyerhaeuser Company … “In addition to being a much-sought-after timber product,” notes Stabins, “aspen is a great fit for wildlife. After logs are removed from log landings, these open areas will function as woodcock singing grounds in springtime./C. Browse 8 Wildlife jobs in Maine on our job search engine. Fergus. Harvesting systems are predominantly mechanical, like cut-to-length and feller-buncher, as well as hand crews where landforms and other situations dictate. Here, a Brittany spaniel retrieves a woodcock for a bird hunter./T. As it gets a few years older, the partial sunlight that comes through the trees’ crowns gives rise to abundant plant growth on the forest floor.” A range of wildlife take advantage of the diverse plants and shrubs that make up an aspen understory, feeding on insects, berries, and seeds and finding hiding cover to avoid predators. We can also ride the trail from Bingham up by the stream road Weyerhaeuser Remote Forestry Intern (Bingham, ME, Greenville, ME & Lancaster, NH) Skills: Contract Administration, Successful Completion, Intern Program, Real Estate 11d ago $33,394 yearly est. Flanigan. Around this core, the cut-over hardwood blocks of different ages will yield dense young forest: prime daytime feeding habitat and also nesting habitat for woodcock. The Fogg Farm tract with its 1,200 acres should be able to support well over 500 woodcock, as well as healthy populations of other wildlife both rare and common. During the following summer, Stabins and his colleagues monitored the birds’ habitat use. Stabins sited the log landings where several different age-class management units intersect, so that breeding male woodcock will find singing grounds close to the nesting, brood-rearing, and feeding habitats that hens and their young will use later. Stabins works in Maine, where Weyerhaeuser owns and manages some 865,000 acres in six counties. And thanks to the ongoing timber-harvesting schedule, that productivity should continue indefinitely. Weyerhaeuser Co. is … Stabins works in Maine, where Weyerhaeuser owns and manages some 865,000 acres in six counties. in Forest Resources. Weyerhaeuser biologist Henning Stabins, right, and WMI's Gary Donovan inspect lush regrowth of aspen following clearcut timber harvest./C. Stabins works in Maine, where Weyerhaeuser owns and manages some 865,000 acres in six counties. From the northern junction of ME 201 and ME 16 in Bingham, take ME 16 east for 0.8 mile and turn left onto Dead Water Rd, which climbs a 10-foot hill at its start. Different colors indicate different harvest years. Stabins. History, appearance, behavior, diet and more. All incidences involving these violations occurred in the Greenville division. When the snags finally fall, their logs will provide drumming stations from which male ruffed grouse can call in females for mating in spring. The alder-dominated area near the center of the project covers around 75 acres. When Henning Stabins was a boy, he lived on Cape Cod near a cranberry bog. Thank you all for staying the course on what has been a busy and in The alder-dominated area near the center of the project covers around 75 acres. Woodcock populations thrive when all the habitat components that they need are located close to one another. Fergus. In areas that support aspen, the even-aged cutting will promote a vigorous regrowth of those trees. Recently, he designed an ambitious young forest habitat project on the company’s Fogg Farm tract, a 1,200-acre parcel in central Maine south of Long Pond in Somerset County. Charles Bingham passed away in Tacoma, Washington. The primary settlement in town, where over 86% of the population resides, is defined as the Bingham census-designated place. Also, bird watchers and nature enthusiasts will enjoy more and better opportunities to view wildlife when hiking, snowshoeing, or cross-country skiing on the tract. Says Stabins, “We protect key stands of older forest, safeguard rare and endangered species, enhance fish habitat in streams, and maintain deer yards, which are critically important to deer populations during Maine’s winters.” Company biologists like Stabins and Ary study wildlife such as Canada lynx, common loons, rusty blackbirds, spruce grouse, Bicknell’s thrush, and bald eagles, and advise foresters on how to best tailor timber-harvesting operations to help those animals. Small mammals like mice and voles find these habitats attractive; in turn, they support populations of reptiles, such as snakes, and larger mammals that feed on the small fruit-, vegetation-, and seed-eaters. Stabins works in Maine, where Weyerhaeuser owns and manages some 865,000 acres in six counties. To get the project rolling, Wildlife Management Institute biologist Gary Donovan, U.S. Geological Survey woodcock researcher Dan McAuley, and Kevin White with the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service joined Stabins and fellow Weyerhaeuser biologist Ray Ary for a tour of Fogg Farm. “I used to get a thrill from going outside at dusk in the spring and listening to the woodcock singing near the bog, and watching their mating flights,” he says. In areas that support aspen, the even-aged cutting will promote a vigorous regrowth of those trees. Grassy fields around the old homestead will function as ground-roosting cover for woodcock in late summer and early fall. Weyerhaeuser’s operations elsewhere on the company’s 865,000 Maine acres also provide an ongoing stream of young forest for wildlife. (Weyerhaeuser’s operations are certified by the Sustainable Forestry Institute, a nonprofit organization that promotes responsible scientific forestry activities and tree harvesting practices. Our forests in this region are extremely diverse, supporting temperate broadleaf hardwoods and mixed conifer species. In each cutting block, loggers will leave some large-diameter trees as future snags; as they mature, these forest giants will develop cavities that breeding birds and hibernating mammals can use. On a landscape scale, the goal of habitat management is to create a mosaic of quality habitat that can support a population of 500 woodcock in autumn, following the year's breeding season. Conservationists will create and protect habitat for woodcock on a new refuge within six northeastern states. He is survived by many family and … Users will learn about sustainable forestry practices through signage and continuing programs in local venues. As it gets a few years older, the partial sunlight that comes through the trees’ crowns gives rise to abundant plant growth on the forest floor.” A range of wildlife take advantage of the diverse plants and shrubs that make up an aspen understory, feeding on insects, berries, and seeds and finding hiding cover to avoid predators. This is a wild part of Maine: the tract lies within the Moosehead Region Conservation Easement, a 350,000-acre area where sustainable forest management must be practiced and where public access for recreation is guaranteed in perpetuity. The obituary was featured in News Tribune (Tacoma) on April 3, 2020. The company isn’t simply concerned with making a profit: It works hard to take care of the environment. Conservationists track woodcock numbers and work to expand habitat, Researchers study the woodcock across its range. Woodcock populations thrive when all the habitat components that they need are located close to one another. ), Weyerhaeuser allows hunting on most of its lands. American woodcock is just one of many birds that will seek out and use new young forest on Fogg Farm./T. He predicts that Fogg Farm will become a popular destination for grouse and woodcock hunters. The company isn’t simply concerned with making a profit: It works hard to take care of the environment. Flanigan. The conservationists discussed how commercial timber harvests could be set up to favor woodcock and their habitat needs. The first round of cutting began on Fogg Farm in 2012, through the use of even-aged, or clearcut, timber harvests to remove trees from some of the blocks. Bingham is a historic town located beside the Kennebec River. Species include American beech, balsam fir, birch, cedar, cherry, hemlock, maple, oak, red pine, spruce and white pine. (Later, the Forest Hills students prepared a poster describing the project and displayed it at their school.) Weyerhaeuser biologist Henning Stabins, right, and WMI's Gary Donovan inspect lush regrowth of aspen following clearcut timber harvest./C. Weyerhaeuser attributed the application violations to a company employee not following Before coming to Sappi, Cody worked for Weyerhaeuser out of their Bingham office. As at Fogg Farm, a range of different-aged forest stands will always be available to wildlife on the South Solon tract. Apply now for jobs hiring near you. Around the former home site are several old fields that will be mowed periodically so that male woodcock can use the openings for their springtime breeding displays – the singing and flighting that inspired Stabins when he was younger. As habitat improves on Fogg Farm, woodcock will use the tract more consistently. Our highly-regarded internship program provides college students with an excellent opportunity to gain valuable field experience working with our teams on real-world situations and projects. ATV Maine In an email from Brian Bronson: Weyerhaeuser trail closing for the season. Make the next step in your career on Monster jobs. Fergus. Bingham is a historic town located beside the Kennebec River. They are confident that in years to come, those numbers will rise dramatically as more habitat continues to be created and more woodcock start using it. The woodcock moved around on the Fogg Farm tract and actually spent more time outside of the management area. Around the former home site are several old fields that will be mowed periodically so that male woodcock can use the openings for their springtime breeding displays – the singing and flighting that inspired Stabins when he was younger. The primary settlement in town, where over 86% of the population resides, is defined as the Bingham census-designated place. On a landscape scale, the goal of habitat management is to create a mosaic of quality habitat that can support a population of 500 woodcock in autumn, following the year's breeding season. Timber harvest blocks on Fogg Farm. In addition to harvesting six of the 65 timber blocks between 2012 and 2014, Weyerhaeuser is cutting swaths through the alders in places where the wiry shrubs were getting old and becoming too open to be top-quality habitat. Weyerhaeuser considers educating the public about sustainable forestry to be an important part of its mission. As habitat improves on Fogg Farm, woodcock will use the tract more consistently. Leases provide users with exclusive recreational access to a specific property – usually year-round – for a variety of benefits. The surrounding hills and rolling terrain include stands of aspen, birch, and red maple to be harvested in years to come. A brook runs through the tract, and the damp soil edging this watercourse provides a good growing environment for alder, a shrub that, when young and dense, provides excellent feeding habitat for woodcock. “As a responsible timber company, Weyerhaeuser works to build partnerships with local communities on many different levels,” Stabins notes. In each cutting block, loggers will leave some large-diameter trees as future snags; as they mature, these forest giants will develop cavities that breeding birds and hibernating mammals can use. Weyerhaeuser Company Bingham, ME Forestry Specialist Fox Forestry Orland, ME Log Yard Manager/Scaler LANDVEST INC Maine Field Forester - Northern Maine Maine Woodlands Saint John, ME Research and Outreach Log landings and other small clearings will act as additional singing grounds and roost areas. Also, bird watchers and nature enthusiasts will enjoy more and better opportunities to view wildlife when hiking, snowshoeing, or cross-country skiing on the tract. During the following summer, Stabins and his colleagues monitored the birds’ habitat use. Flanigan. Weyerhaeuser signs onto agreement to advance sustainable forests as a natural climate solution Weyerhaeuser has joined a group of 48 environmental, conservation and forest industry leaders in announcing an agreement of principles on the important role sustainably managed forests and forest products can play in mitigating climate change. For more information, or to arrange a site tour, contact biologist Henning Stabins, Wildlife Biologist, at 207-453-1045 or Henning.Stabins@weyerhaeuser.com. So we have made it through this year and are about at the seasons end. Grants to Benefit Fish and Wildlife in New England, Implementing the American Woodcock Conservation Plan, Leipold Property, Carroll County, New Hampshire, Major Young Forest Project Gets Rolling in Adirondacks, Farmington River Wildlife Management Area, Berkshires, Massachusetts, Umbagog National Wildlife Refuge, Maine and New Hampshire, New England Outdoor Center Hammond Ridge Project, Penobscot County, Maine, Wagner Codyville Woodcock Habitat Project, Washington County, Maine, Mattawamkeag River System Wildlife Management Area, Page Farm Compartment, Penobscot County, Maine, Apple Orchard Stewardship Project, Bennington County, Vermont, McConnell Pond Tract, Essex County, Vermont, Sullivan County Farm, Sullivan County, New Hampshire, Freedom Town Forest, Carroll County, New Hampshire, Brouha Property, Caledonia County, Vermont, Cutter Property, Grafton County, New Hampshire, Hanover Water Works, Grafton County, New Hampshire, Johns River Watershed, Coos County, New Hampshire, Groton State Forest, Caledonia and Washington Counties, Vermont, Green Mountain Audubon Center, Chittenden County, Vermont, Cowls Sawmill & Land Company, Norris Lot, Hampshire County, Massachusetts, Poland Brook Wildlife Management Area, Franklin County, Massachusetts, Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge, Washington County, Maine, Cobscook Bay Wildlife Management Area, Washington County, Maine, Lyme Adirondack Forest Company, Adirondack Park, New York, Second College Grant, Dartmouth College, Coos County, New Hampshire, Silvio O. Conte National Fish and Wildlife Refuge, Nulhegan Basin Division, Essex County, Vermont. He predicts that Fogg Farm will become a popular destination for grouse and woodcock hunters. The conservationists discussed how commercial timber harvests could be set up to favor woodcock and their habitat needs. Weyerhaeuser will come back at 10-year intervals until the timber on all 80 acres has been harvested. When Henning Stabins was a boy, he lived on Cape Cod near a cranberry bog. Families, individuals or groups looking to manage their experience and get away from crowds will appreciate this option. ), Weyerhaeuser allows hunting on most of its lands. Timber harvest blocks on Fogg Farm. Stabins and WMI’s Donovan also collaborated on a second woodcock and young forest project, this one on Weyerhaeuser holdings near South Solon in Somerset County. Weyerhaeuser buying Plum Creek in $8.44 billion timber deal Plum Creek is one of the largest private landowners in Maine, with about 861,000 acres of working forests. As at Fogg Farm, a range of different-aged forest stands will always be available to wildlife on the South Solon tract. Says WMI’s Donovan, “It’s my belief that diversifying size and age classes of a wooded tract by clearcutting different harvest blocks should not be considered forest fragmentation.” He’d rather that term be applied to sites that are held longterm in a deforested conditions, such as fields, parking lots, house lots, and the like. University of Maine, receiving his M.S. For more than a hundred years, Weyerhaeuser has been building and enhancing a reputation for responsible corporate citizenship. The tract is divided into eight cutting blocks, averaging 10 acres in size. Now a biologist for Weyerhaeuser, a large timber company with extensive holdings in North America, Stabins has maintained his affection for American woodcock and developed considerable skills as a birder, naturalist, and wildlife scientist. Right from the get-go, the regrowing forest has added value for wildlife.” First there’s a flush of grasses and forbs, leading to an increased population of insects that provide excellent food for songbirds – especially young, newly fledged birds that are still growing, and those building up fat for autumn’s southward migration. Weyerhaeuser will come back at 10-year intervals until the timber on all 80 acres has been harvested. Will Tropical Storm Isaias Help Wildlife? For more than a hundred years, Weyerhaeuser has been building and enhancing a reputation for responsible corporate citizenship. Stabins and WMI’s Donovan also collaborated on a second woodcock and young forest project, this one on Weyerhaeuser holdings near South Solon in Somerset County. It’s dense when it shoots up following logging. Weyerhaeuser Company, U.S. Geological Survey, Ruffed Grouse Society/American Woodcock Society, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, Forest Society of Maine, Maine Forest Service, Land Use Regulation Commission, Jackman High School, Wildlife Management Institute. Grants to Benefit Fish and Wildlife in New England, Leipold Property, Carroll County, New Hampshire, Major Young Forest Project Gets Rolling in Adirondacks, Farmington River Wildlife Management Area, Berkshires, Massachusetts, Umbagog National Wildlife Refuge, Maine and New Hampshire. HealthReach Community Health Centers recently received a $2,750 award from the Weyerhaeuser Giving Fund, according to a news release from the group. When the snags finally fall, their logs will provide drumming stations from which male ruffed grouse can call in females for mating in spring. Fergus. Recently, he designed an ambitious young forest habitat project on the company’s Fogg Farm tract, a 1,200-acre parcel in central Maine south of Long Pond in Somerset County. Stabins and Ary conducted baseline surveys on the number of male woodcock singing at Fogg Farm in 2010 and 2012 before timber harvests began. Those first entries will be followed by additional timber harvests in other blocks at roughly 10-year intervals over the next three decades. Stabins sited the log landings where several different age-class management units intersect, so that breeding male woodcock will find singing grounds close to the nesting, brood-rearing, and feeding habitats that hens and their young will use later. The population was 922 at the 2010 census. The surrounding hills and rolling terrain include stands of aspen, birch, and red maple to be harvested in years to come. Weyerhaeuser Company, U.S. Geological Survey, Ruffed Grouse Society/American Woodcock Society, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, Forest Society of Maine, Maine Forest Service, Land Use Regulation Commission, Jackman High School, Wildlife Management Institute. Timber-Harvesting schedule, that productivity should continue indefinitely vigorous regrowth of those trees on! Is divided into eight cutting blocks, averaging 10 acres in size woodcock around... Up to favor woodcock weyerhaeuser bingham, maine the other wild animals that use their habitat needs a. With local communities on many different levels, ” notes Stabins, right, helps a High! How conservation funds help the american woodcock is just one of many birds will. Charles Lawrence Bingham Born March 18, 1952 in Salmon, ID, passed away March 19, in. 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