Beetle was an enemy of Spider-Man and worked for Dr. Doom. He later became a member of the Masters of Evil. Spider beetles have round-shaped, wingless bodies with long, thin legs. Abner Ronald Jenkins, known by his code name "Beetle", is a supervillain. He had temporarily joined the first Sinister Six. The man known only as Beetle is an exceptionally skilled mercenary. Voice Actor(s) Steven Blum Other Version(s) Spider-Man and His Amazing FriendsIron Man Beetle is from the Non MAU series Ultimate Spider-Man. Spider-Man first finds Beetle robbing a sample of the Venom symbiote from Roxxon. He works primarily as an exclusive mercenary for supervillains. They are so named because of a resemblance to spiders. These ubiquitous insects feed on plant and animal remains, stored food products, dry wood, and museum specimens. Spider beetles are actually quite common in North America, with an affinity for showing up in food preparation areas and homes in the northeast. Things became personal for Spider-Man when Mary Jane Watson was caught in the crossfire. The Beetle (real name Abner Jenkins)is a Marvel Comics supervillain who is an exceptionally skilled mercenary. At an unknown point in the past, Beetle met his first defeat at hands of S.H.I.E.L.D. Commonly hired by Doctor Octopus, Beetle regularly ran afoul of Spider-Man, and was defeated on almost every occasion. This Spider Beetle has high attack power and cannot easily defeated. 1 History 2 Equipment 3 Relationships 3.1 Enemies 4 Trivia 5 References 6 External Links The Beetle was attempting to steal bags of money from a bank when Spider-Man showed up to stop him from getting away from theft. The reddish-brown to black beetles range in size from 1-5 mm. Many species are flightless, either in females only or both sexes. Beetle was hired to kill J. Jonah Jameson. Agent Phil Coulson. Voice Actor(s) John Reilly Other Version(s) Spider-Man and His Amazing FriendsUltimate Spider-Man Beetle is a criminal who used a technological suit. Ultimately, Spider-Man's interference foiled the Beetle's theft by inadvertently causing him to drop the symbiote sample, and making it worthless to retrieve. Season 1 "Beetle Mania", "Attack of the Beetle" Spider beetles have round bodies with long, slender legs. They are generally 1–5 mm long, and reproduce at the rate of two to three generations per year. Just as Beetle is cornered, Venom is stopped by Spider-Man. The Spider Beetle is an enemy encounter in Suikoden Tactics.It is found in Ruins of Obel Mother Earth Chamber. 1 Biography 2 Background 2.1 In the Comics 3 External Links Little is known about the history of Beetle. Order: Coleoptera (Beetles) Family: Anobiidae (Deathwatch and Drugstore Beetles) Subfamily: Ptininae (Spider Beetles) Identification and Descriptive Features: Spider beetles are moderately sized beetles, about 2-4 mm long (1/16”-1/8"). Beetle later breaks into Bolivar Trask's lab where Eddie Brock is held, leading to Venom chasing after Beetle. At some point he acquired technology stolen from Stark Enterprises. 1 History 1.1 Early Life 1.2 Becoming the New Beetle 1.3 Sinister Six 1.4 Ant-Man 1.5 The Syndicate 2 Powers and Abilities 2.1 Weaknesses 3 Paraphernalia 3.1 Equipment 4 Links and References 4.1 Discover and Discuss 4.2 Footnotes Janice Lincoln is the daughter of the super power mobster, Tombstone. The Beetle was an unnamed Latverian agent who was sent to New York City to retrieve a symbiote sample from Roxxon.During and before his theft he was approached by Spider-Man.At first Beetle tried to avoid having to fight him. It is also automatically match the playable characters level when entering the ruins and it is deadly. Photo Credit: Katja Schulz. On most species the abdomen is globular and the head is oriented downward so that it is concealed from above. S.H.I.E.L.D. When the Venom symbiote leaves Brock and attaches to Spider-Man, Beetle escapes in the confusion. Abner Jenkins, also known as Beetle, is a criminal who was caught by Spider-Man while robbing a bank and taken into custody. Spider-Man and his team were assigned by Nick Fury to protect J. Jonah Jameson after he went on tirade to expose Beetle, which prompted him to try to assassinate Jameson.
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